Jan Peter Zimmerlich

Professional training, career

Diploma, Elly-Heuss-Knapp gymnasium, Bad Cannstatt

1989 – 1992
Apprenticeship as a bookbinder, Bookbinding Widmaier in Stuttgart
Graduation with distinction in 1992

1992 – 1995
Bookbinder, Bookbinding Widmaier in Stuttgart

1995 – 1996
Bookbinder, Format Guggenbühl in Zurich

1995 + 1997
Further education courses at centro del bel libro ascona

Current position
Since 1997, own studio for bookbinding, Reliure Livresses in Dombresson

Area of Speciality
Handicraft and artistic bindings.
Woven Structure Binding.

Further informations
Since 2016, workshops at the school of applied arts, La Chaux-de-Fonds.
Since 1995, participation in various competitions and exhibitions in Europe.
Awardee at the „Prix de l’Innovation“, Ascona – Scripta  Manent III, Tallinn – Scripta Manent IV, Tallinn and Prize Volumes, Oxford.
Active member Book and Form.
