cbl-Newsletter 3/2024

Would you enjoy attending a course?

We are happy to draw your attention to our next courses in Ascona and Zurich:

Folder / Portfolio


Course location Zurich





Course location Zurich



Bambalina Technique


Course location Ascona



Decorative Stubs


Course location Ascona




Annual General Meeting on 6th July 2024, 10.45 am, in Maur

For once, the Annual General Meeting will not be held in Ticino but at Maur Castle www.museenmaur.ch in Maur in the canton of Zurich, on the 6th of July. In addition to personnel changes, the Executive Board is also proposing a moderate increase of the membership fee for natural persons. This has become necessary because the canton of Ticino is cancelling the cbl's subsidies from 2025, which will result in major financial losses for the cbl.

After the Annual General Meeting, which lasts around an hour, there will be a guided tour of the castle between 11.45 and 12.15. Among other things, there will be a printing workshop to visit. From 12.30 pm, the members will meet for lunch at the Restaurant Dörfli Maur www.doerfli-maur.ch.

Members of the supporting association centro del bel libro ascona will receive an invitation at the beginning of June 2024. The Executive Board is looking forward to numerous registrations.



Editorial:             Katharina Meier and Dieter Kläy
Photographs:      Myrtha Rüttimann
Translation:         Bea Corti

centro del bel libro ascona
Viale St. Franscini 30
CH-6500 Bellinzona – Switzerland

centro del bel libro ascona
Via Collegio 17
CH-6612 Ascona – Switzerland

+41 (0) 91 825 11 62