Kevin Cilurzo
Professional Training, Career
2004 - 2008 Apprenticeship in skilled manual bookbinding at the central and university Library, Lucerne
2009 - 2010 Bookbinder at Schumacher AG, Atelier du Livre, Bern
2010 - 2013 Bachelor in Conservation, University of Arts, Bern
2011 - 2012 Exchange year at the Facultat de Belles Arts, University of Politècnica de València, Spain
2014 Internship at the Vatican Apostolic Library, Studio of Restoration, Città del Vaticano, Rome
2014 - 2016 Master in Conservation and Restoration, University of Arts, Bern
2014 - 2015 Trainee, Book and Paper Conservation, State Archives of the Canton Bern
2016 Paper restorer, Papieratelier Lüthi, paper restoration, Bern
2017 Advanced Internship, Folger Shakespeare Library at Werner Gundersheimer Conservation Laboratory, Book Conservation, Washington D.C.
Current Position
Paper Restorer, Graphic Arts Collection, ETH Zurich
Area of Speciality
Historical techniques, book construction, conservation and restoration of books and paper objects, tool manufacturing