Folding Techniques for Designers'
Course location Zurich
All designers fold.
That is, all designers crease, pleat, bend, hem, gather, knot, hinge, corrugate, drape, twist, furl, crumple, collapse, wrinkle, facet, curve or wrap two-dimensional sheets of material, and by these processes of folding, create three-dimensional objects. Folding is one of the basic languages of design.
This practical, 5-day 'hands-on' course for designers, makers and students will introduce you to many different concepts of folding in paper and show how they can be applied to design projects using materials such as fabric, metal, plastic and carton, across all areas of design from fashion to architecture and from jewellery to artists' books.
Folding techniques covered will include pleating, cross-pleating, crumpling, box-making …and much, MUCH more. No experience is necessary. Just bring your hands!
The workshop leader is Paul Jackson, author of several books about folding and design, including the bestselling 'Folding Techniques for Designers'. He has taught 'From Sheet to Form' in Schools of Design across Europe for 35-years and has been a consultant for companies such as Nike, Disney, TetraPak, BBCtv and Siemens.