Geometric Box Forms
This workshop will be all about designing, planning and constructing box forms. We will start with basic rectangular forms and move on to pyramidal, hexagonal and other shapes. We will learn how to plan, measure and cut basic geometric shapes using a compass and ruler and make templates for making precise cuts on the board cutter.
We will cover the basics of making structurally stable forms with stepped joints, gluing, covering and lining. We will explore various types of lids/closures (hinged lid, telescoping lid, seated lid and fold open design) and various means of hinging (cloth/Tyvek, magnetic hinge, piano hinge).
We will use paper, cloth and Tyvek for coving our boxes, and leather depending on interest and time.
There will also be time to experiment and explore your own ideas!
Basic hand skills and familiarity with materials are a must (precise measuring, cutting, gluing, folding, scoring, etc.), but previous experience with box making is not necessary.