
Six Case Styles for the Board Book

The board book (also known as the flat book) is a very practical structure that has been used in industrial binding for many years (think children’s books, or more recently some printed photo books). It can also be a very practical and versatile structure for the hand binder. In this workshop we will learn the basic techniques for making a board book and then focus our energy on making six different case styles from the simple to the elegant. Through creative case design, we will turn the simple board book into something quite extraordinary.


Crossed-structure Binding

This course invites one to travel into the world of “Crossed Structure Binding”, a technique created by Carmencho Arregui.
This technique brought a revolutionary renewal not only in the tradition of bookbinding but also and especially in the conservation area, giving a totally new view concerning the structure of a book and its infinite possibilities of development.
The aim of the course is to create some of the 7 variations of this technique and then leave free space for working on one’s own choice of models.


Ten Clever Book Structures

In this course we will create simple, small format book and leporello structures that set themselves apart from the well-know standards. Ten different techniques will be demonstrated and executed. At the same time, course participants are encouraged to think about and develop new solutions of their own. This course provides a good basis and practical ideas that can easily be incorporated into our everyday working life and adapted to individual customer requests.


Flexible full leather binding

Certain printed books need special binding techniques. Flexible full leather bindings offer a particularly interesting effect. In addition to the pliable boards, the books will be completed with colored or graphite edges, leather headbands, a printed title and a soft slipcase. Ideal size: 10 x 15 cm to 15 x 21 cm, with 3 to 10 signatures.


Emergency aid course for paper and cloth bindings

Working with books is regularly confronting us with all kinds of damage patterns. Some of this damage needs special treatment which requires the right conservation techniques.
This course will give you an insight into the world of book-and paper conservation for cloth and paper bindings.
The goal of this course is to develop the daily work in restoration and the enhancement of conservational aspects. Techniques such as closing tears in the paper, attaching loose book covers, restoring lacking book corners and removing self-adhesive tapes are taught.


The magical dos-a-dos binding

This course is not only about the well-known, classic form of a dos-a-dos binding, but we address ourselves to a new, extraordinary solution. Concerning the material, we limit ourselves to paper and fabric - but there are no limits to the targeted use of colors and shapes. Particularly well suited for this binding are works in two volumes, such as dialogues, correspondence, a.s.o. Of course, also unprinted, pre-folded layers can be used. The ideal format is approx. DIN A6 - DIN A5.
The aim of the course is, that the participants can apply this new solution independently.


Full leather binding

With the successful execution of a “French binding”, a book becomes a fine work of art. In this course, the books will be rounded and backed to a 90° joint and different endpaper constructions will be demonstrated. We will decorate edges by gilding or with graphite, and will learn to sew headbands in both German and French styles. Leather preparation for the covers and inner joint will be done with a paring machine and knife. Special attention will be given to the treatment of the leather.


Creative Leather Decoration and Free-style Tooling

This class introduces a range of techniques Dominic uses in his work, including both innovative leather work and free-style gold tooling. The Tudor Style is a way of covering a book in overlapping strips of leather, which gives a sculptural look to the binding. Lacunose is a way of sanding built-up leather to reveal hidden shapes and colours within the skin. The third technique is creative gold tooling, using Dominic’s adapted tool which allows for a free-form approach to design. We will make our own tool from a piece of brass sunk into a wooden handle.


Bookbinding design

In order to create a successful and compelling binding, the elements of color, form, proportion, rhythm, contrasts, structures, typeface, etc. must be coordinated so that a harmonious design is achieved. In this course we will not only highlight the theoretical aspects of book design, but we will also spend time developing our own sensibilities for color and form. The goal of the course is to develop more confidence in the fundamental elements of book design so that you may carry these principles through in creating your own bindings.


Techniques by Hedi Kyle – part I

Hedi Kyle’s extraordinary book constructions, found between historical and modern designs, will be reconsidered and further interpreted in this workshop. Artful folding, cutting and sewing techniques will present numerous variations of leporellos to codex bindings.The aim of the workshop is to create a collection of samples which can be extremely helpful in a daily routine.

